Thursday, 21 January 2016

Defining the Issue of Stillbirth and How Mother’s Feel

A stillbirth is when a baby passed away in the womb after 28 weeks of pregnancy. People do not understand this fact and many stillborn children are mixed up with miscarriages. After the baby passed away in the womb, mothers’ may or may not undergo childbirth again in life. The reasons for stillbirths are still unknown. Doctors’ around the globe even performed various autopsies & research on the fact and still are clueless about it. However, they have seen a light at the end of the tunnel which says that the most common cause of the problem is placenta a part which nourishes the baby. Also, blockage in the umbilical cord, if any, can stop the oxygen supply to the baby and finishes a life in the womb itself.
Talking about the fact that the issue of stillbirth does happen may be disturbing for any mother. It gives a devastating pain to parents, and they do not even want to consider the possibility that it could ever happen to them. However, it is important to talk about stillbirth and know what it is. Doctors recommend mothers to keep a check on their baby's movements in the womb as it can help in saving a life. Read here the story of a mother that gave birth to a lifeless baby, and know more about the issue of stillbirth.

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